Thank you for considering a gift to New College. We are keen to ensure that you are able to make any donations as tax effectively as possible.


How to make your gift tax-effective

  • UK

    Gift Aid

    As a registered charity, the New College Development Fund is able to reclaim basic rate tax (20%) on any donations that you make, at no cost to you. Furthermore, if you are a higher or additional rate tax payer, you can reclaim any additional tax that you have paid in your annual tax return.

    As an example, if you make a donation of £80, New College can reclaim an additional £20 (£80 x 100/80), increasing the value of your donation to £100. A higher rate (40%) tax payer would then be able to reclaim £20, in effect reducing the cost of the gift to £60. Additional rate (45%) tax payers would be able to reclaim £25, in effect reducing the cost of the gift to £55.

    (Please note that you must be a UK taxpayer for your donation to qualify for Gift Aid. You must have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for the current tax year.)

    Share Giving

    Share giving is now one of the most tax-effective ways to give. When you give an asset to New College, you are treated as making no gain or loss for Capital Gains Tax purposes, so you won't have to pay any Capital Gains Tax. In addition, you are entitled to claim through your annual tax return full tax relief equal to the market value of the shares and any associated costs (such as brokers' fees). If you sold shares to raise cash for a donation, you would have to pay Capital Gains Tax on any increase in the market value of those shares.

    For example:

    A donor gives New College a gift of 2,000 shares in a company, which he bought for £6,000 and now have a market value of £10,000. The broker's fee, paid by the donor to arrange the transfer is £50. The tax deduction is calculated as follows:

    Original cost of shares - £6,000
    Current market value of shares - £10,000
    Broker's fee - £50
    Deduction against income - £10,050

    If the donor is paying income tax at the higher rate of 40%, their income tax bill will be reduced by £4,020. This effectively means that the donation of £10,000 will actually cost the donor just £5,980 after tax relief.

    The donor will also save the Capital Gains Tax that should have been paid on the increase in the value of the shares (from £6,000 to £10,000), which is £4,000. The current rate of Capital Gains Tax for individuals who pay above the basic rate of tax is 20%. So if the donor had sold the shares, there could have been a CGT liability of £800.

    Qualifying stocks and shares:

    The shares that qualify for income tax relief are listed or dealt in on a recognized stock exchange, whether in the UK or elsewhere, including shares traded on the Alternative Investment Market; units in a UK authorised unit trust; shares in a UK open-ended investment company (OEIC); and holdings in certain foreign collective investment schemes (schemes outside the UK that are equivalent to unit trusts and OEICs).

  • USA

    Old Members living in the United States may send their dollar checks to: The American Friends of New College, c/o Yeager Financial Services Inc., 1 West Main St, 2nd Floor, Trappe PA 19426 who will send you a 501 (c) (3) tax receipt.

    Alternatively, donations by can be made online or by credit or debit card via Americans for Oxford Inc. (500 Fifth Avenue, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10110) who will also send you a 501 (c)(3) tax receipt.

    Planned Giving

    Oxford Planned Giving is a collegiate wide initiative offered for residents of the USA. Planned gifts benefit New College while helping you to save taxes, increase your income and pass more on to your heirs.

    Did you know that:

    You can receive income for life in exchange for a gift. Giving appreciated property, like stocks or real estate, costs less than giving the equivalent amount in cash. Some assets can benefit you more if you give them away. Some gifts cost nothing now but leave a legacy later. Some gifts allow you to pass more on to your heirs and save taxes.

    To find out more, please visit Oxford Planned Giving on the University's North American office website.

  • Canada

    New College and the University of Oxford are recognised by the Canadian Revenue Agency as prescribed institutions under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations. On receipt of your donation, we will ensure that you are sent a receipt for Canadian tax purposes.

  • Europe

    Benefactors in a number of European countries can make tax-efficient donations to the University of Oxford through a collaborative giving scheme. Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) is a partnership of leading European foundations that facilitates tax-efficient cross-border giving within Europe. TGE is currently operational for donations from and to at least a dozen European countries.

    The TGE network enables donors resident in one of the participating countries (both corporations and individuals) to financially support non-profit organisations in other member countries while benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence.
    You can view contact details of national organisations in the network.

  • The German Friends of Oxford University

    Residents of Germany can make tax-efficient donations via the German Friends of Oxford University without incurring any fees.

    The German Friends of Oxford University is a registered charity run by Dr Jan Willisch. It is authorised to issue donation receipts to German donors, entitling them to offset charitable gifts from their taxable income in Germany. Legacies are treated in the same way as lifetime donations for the purposes of inheritance and gift tax in Germany, so you can also talk to Dr Willisch about leaving a gift in your will.

    Contact: Dr Jan Willisch, lindenpartners, Friedrichstrasse 95 10117 Berlin


    Tel +49 (0)30 755 424 00

  • The Swiss Friends of Oxford University

    Swiss Friends of Oxford University is an independent association under Swiss law domiciled in Zug, Switzerland. It is recognized by the canton of Zug as a tax-exempt entity.

    As such, it provides a tax-efficient platform for donors and members based in Switzerland to support Oxford University and its colleges, academic departments, faculties, research centres and scholarship programmes.

    More information is available on their website.

  • Hong Kong

    Donations to New College can be made via the University of Oxford China Office Limited, a registered charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordnance. Gifts of more than HK$100 may be claimed for tax deduction purposes. On receipt of your donation, the China Office will ensure that you are sent a receipt for Hong Kong tax purposes.

    Further information is available on the China Office's website.

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