The Handbook of New College, Oxford contains rules and procedures for the College's Junior Members. The book's contents are not 'advice' or 'guidance', but form a set of instructions for Junior Members' academic and social behaviour in College.
Responsibility for the Handbook rests with the Dean, who co-ordinates the rules of the different areas which it covers.
Those Junior Members with questions about its contents should raise them with the relevant College officers, who should be approached in the first instance. However, all matters may be raised at any time with the Dean; those wishing to do so should make an appointment with the Deans’ secretary, Jacqui Julier.
The Handbook is updated annually, and all students individually receive a hard copy at the start of each academic year.
Dean's Address List
Please log in at: to update your contact details.
COVID-19 Information
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has been committed to the safety of all faculty, staff and students. Although most COVID restrictions have now been lifted, the College may, on occasion, produce extra guidelines in relation to the pandemic; these may change rapidly as a national or local situation develops.
It is the responsibility of every member of College to know what those guidelines are and to follow them on each and every occasion. Such guidelines form an appendix to The Handbook of New College, Oxford, and are subject to the disciplinary procedures outlined therein.
Decanal Team
Information on the Decanal Team
Decanal annual croquet match; the team in mortal combat
Michael Burden, Ayowande McCunn, Vuyane Mhlomi, Rachel Benoit, and Yale Michaels
Handbook download
Handbook contents
The Handbook contains information under the following headings:
- Academic obligations
- General discipline
- Student charges
- Domestic rules
- The Library
- The MCR and JCR
- The Licence Agreement (accommodation)
- College Administration Hours
Forms for events in College
Download forms here for events in College. Junior Members are reminded that, as per the forms, permission needs to be sought from the Assistant Dean. An appointment to see him should be made with the Deans' Secretary and times are available during term time only.
- Form for Events (Bookable rooms), New College
- Form for Events (Cloisters only), New College
- Form for Events (Grounds only), New College
Events may require a separate form under the College's PREVENT responsibilities. Further details may be found in the Policy link below, and if necessary the Event Referral Form should be completed.
- New College Prevent Policy
- Policy on Managing External Speakers (2024-25)
- Form for Event Referral, New College (2024-25)
Associated documents and links
The Handbook makes reference to the following documents and links:
Junior Members' Documents
The JCR and the MCR are by law unincorporated charities.
- Unincorporated Associations (HMRC)
- New College JCR Constitution (from TT 2023; next revision due in TT 2028)
- New College MCR Constitution (from HT 2024; next revision due in TT 2028)
Updates to the constitutions should first be discussed with the Dean.
College Documents
- New College Academic Discipline - further information
- New College Accommodation Complaints Procedure
- New College Computer Rules & Regulations
- New College Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- New College Fitness to Study Policy
- New College Guide to Battels
- New College Harassment Policy
- New College Information Security Policy
- New College Licence Agreement
- New College Maintenance Request
- New College PREVENT Risk Assessment
- New College PREVENT Action Plan
- New College Privacy Policy
- New College Service Level Agreement
- New College Undergraduate Suspension Policy
- New College Under 18 Students: Guidance and Forms
- New College Under 18 Students: Example Risk Assessment
University Documents
- University of Oxford Changes in Student Status
- University of Oxford Good Academic Practice
- University of Oxford Environmental Sustainability Policy
- University of Oxford Equality and Diversity Unit
- University of Oxford Examination Regulations
- University of Oxford Fitness to Study Policy
- University of Oxford Graduate Accommodation
- University of Oxford Guidance on Ethical Use of AI Tools
- University of Oxford Policy and Procedure on Harassment and Bullying
- University of Oxford Policy on the Freedom of Speech
- University of Oxford PREVENT Compliance
- University of Oxford Statutes
National University Documents
Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education
Discover more about New College