Support from donors is crucial to New College and we are pleased to recognise all those who make a contribution.
All donors during the calendar year are listed in the New College Record in year groups, unless they prefer to remain anonymous.
Those who choose to make a regular gift or support the College over a number of years will be invited to join the Founder’s Society, which recognises our most loyal donors.
Those who make a gift of £1,379 or more annually are invited to become members of the 1379 Circle. If you choose to support us in this way you will receive an invitation to lunch in College, followed by a concert performed by student musicians and tea. Members of the 1379 Circle are listed annually on our Donor Wall in the Monk’s Passage.
In our Benefactors’ Book we record the names of those whose cumulative giving reaches or exceeds £5,000. Those whose giving amounts to £50,000 or more are listed in our Major Benefactors’ Book. The two registers run concurrently in the same leather-bound volume and all entries are inscribed by hand. When completed, the book will take its place in the College Archives alongside records dating back to our foundation. In the meantime, it is displayed in the Development Office, and you are most welcome to pay us a visit to see your entry.

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