Miles Young, Warden
The Warden is head of house and in authority within the College. He chairs the Governing Body and other main committees. With the Fellows, the Warden formulates and implements policy within the overall strategy of the University and represents the College at Conference of Colleges.
Volker Halbach, Sub-Warden
The Sub-Warden is a one-year appointment that in 2024-25 is held by Prof. Volker Halbach. The Sub-Warden chairs a number of College committees, may represent the Warden at public and College functions, and plays a part in the broader public life of the College, especially in matters relating to the Development Office and the entertainment of College guests.
David Palfreyman, Bursar
The Bursar is the College Officer responsible for the endowment, the finances, and constitutional/legal matters. He also deals with student financial aid, and a range of grants and bursaries on offer from College. Appointments to see him should be made through his secretary, who works in the Bursar's Office (4 OB 1).
Gez Wells, Home Bursar
The Home Bursar (HB) is a Fellow with responsibility for the management of all domestic matters within College, including accommodation, catering and conferences in addition to HR, security and health and safety. He can be found on the ground floor of 4 OB, through the Assistant to the Home Bursar's office on the right hand side as you enter the staircase. He welcomes visits from students, normally without an appointment.
William Poole, Senior Tutor & Fellow Librarian
The Senior Tutor's position has three elements: tutor for the fellows, tutor for the undergraduates and tutor for visiting students. The first point of contact for undergraduates with academic needs (beyond those dealt with by their tutors) should be the Academic Registrar, in the Academic Office (4 OB 5).
The Fellow Librarian liaises between the College's Governing Body and the professionals who run the library and archive.
Michael Burden, Dean & Pictures & Chattels Fellow
The Dean is in charge of the discipline of the College’s Junior Members and is particularly concerned with policy and the College’s rules, as set out in the College Handbook.
The Chattels Fellow is in charge of the College’s artwork, fittings, and administers the use of images of the College’s objects and the College’s loans to museums. Those wishing to contact the Chattels Fellow should email Jacqui Julier. Photographs and related reproduction rights of many of the College’s objects can be obtained from Bridgeman Images.
Jonathan Black, Tutor for Welfare, IT Fellow
The Tutor for Welfare has overall responsibility for the policies and procedures for supporting the welfare of all undergraduate and graduate students of the college. More information is available on the Welfare page.
The IT Fellow advises college on the operating of the IT Office and represents the needs of both college IT users and suppliers, through the IT Sub-Committee and Governing Body.
Richard Whittington, Tutor for Undergraduate Admissions
Decisions about the admission of undergraduates are made by the subject tutors. The Tutor for Undergraduate Admissions organises and oversees the process of admission of undergraduate students. He is also responsible for the induction of new students at the beginning of their course. He is assisted by the Admissions Administrator.
Stephen Dimelow, Outreach Fellow
The Outreach Fellow is responsible for overseeing the College's wide range of outreach activities. Within College, he reports to the termly Outreach Committee.
Nino Luraghi, Tutor for Graduates & Graduate Admissions
The Tutor for Graduates has responsibility for the administration of admission, progress and pastoral affairs of postgraduate students. He is available at all times to discuss matters of concern with individual students, and hosts a number of social events during the year. He can be contacted through the Tuition office (4 OB 5 or at Graduates who need a signature or stamp on a university form should take it to the Tuition Office during working hours, or email
Erica Longfellow, Dean of Divinity
The Dean of Divinity is a Fellow who is also a Priest in Holy Orders with responsibility for services in our busy chapel. She is available to all members of college, students, staff and fellows, and also has a role at New College School. Enquiries about Chapel services and events and requests for use of Chapel, Antechapel or Cloisters by members of College should be addressed to the Chapel Administrator in the first instance.
David Parrott, Precentor
The Precentor is a Fellow who is an advocate for the Chapel among the college community, and is the Secretary to the Chapel Committee.
Robin Lane Fox, Garden Fellow
The Garden Fellow is responsible for maintaining the Gardens in New College.
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