Course Fee
A full list of rates is available on the University web pages. It is essential that you check the rates for your particular course at the University website.
Overseas Students
Course fees for overseas students vary according to the programme of study. Students who are in any doubt about the fee level applicable to their programme of study should refer to the University website where the fee for each course will be specified.
Note that all course fees are payable in full at the beginning of the course year.
Student Tuition Fee Loan - Undergraduate
If you have opted to pay your fee by a student tuition fee loan, the Student Loan Company will automatically pay your course fee direct to the University in three parts.
Student Maintenance Loan
When you arrive at New College, please call by Lecture Room 6 to confirm your attendance, i.e. to complete the second part of your registration with the University. Your student loan will then be released to your bank account. The loan can take up to four days to arrive in your account.
If you have a query with your loan after your attendance has been confirmed, please contact the Student Finance Officer (The Bursary, 4OB - ground floor).

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