I joined New College as the Rank-Manning Junior Research Fellow in Social Sciences in October 2022. Before coming to Oxford for my DPhil in Politics (specialising in political theory), I completed an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy at the London School of Economics (LSE), an LL.B at Tel-Aviv University and a BA (Hons) at Tel Aviv University. As part of my research, I draw on ideas and observations from my prior experience in politics and civil service. Amongst other things, I was a campaign manager in the 2019 primaries for the Israeli Labour Party leadership; lead negotiator of the Green Party during the establishment of the Democratic union Party; political officer for the British Ambassador in Tel-Aviv and a parliamentary researcher for Jack Dromey MP. Finally, public writing is a big part of my life. I write for newspapers and magazines about politics and political theory. If you wish to follow my writing, you can find it all on my twitter account and my personal website.
Research Interests
My research interests include institutional political philosophy, democratic theory, philosophy of competition, the normative limits of markets and legal philosophy. In my research I try to integrate abstract philosophical questions with empirical data produced in other fields from the social sciences such as law, political science, economics and public policy. Additionally, I write on issues in contemporary Israeli politics – mostly focusing on the rise of Israeli right-wing populism and national security. At New College, I plan to develop my research on competition as a political concept. I will investigate its historical and philosophical origins, and examine its relations to central values in political liberalism such as equality, freedom, democracy, and meritocracy.
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed Articles
'Two Concepts of Competition’, Ethics (2022) 133(1): 5-37.
‘Undercutting Justice – Why Legal Representation Should Not Be Allocated by the Market’ Politics, Philosophy & Economics (2021) 20(1): 99-123.
‘Beyond Culture and Economy: Israel’s Security-Driven Populism’ (with Yonatan Levi), Contemporary Politics (2021) 27(3): 292-315.
‘Prioritarianism: A (Pluralist) Defence’ (with Matt Hitchens), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2019) 15(1): 19-42.
‘Could Present Laws Legitimately Bind Future Generations? A Normative Analysis of the Jeffersonian Model’ Intergenerational Justice Review (2016) 9(2): 48-56.
Book Chapters
‘Justice and the Market’ (with Assaf Sharon), The Cambridge Handbook of Privatization (Cambridge University Press, 2021): 85-102.

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