My interest in music was sparked at an early age, especially when I joined the cathedral choir in Dundee at the age of eight. I have been a full-time performing musician since beginning my training at King’s College, Cambridge, where I was Organ Scholar and read Music. Inspired by my supervisor, John Butt, I began postgraduate study, but this quickly gave way to performance, principally in appointments at Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, and Peterborough Cathedral. I came to New College in 2014.

My role combines performance, teaching and research: within the walls of New College and beyond, principally through the work of New College Choir and my own solo performances. As Organist of New College, I direct its world-famous choir in daily services during term, and on concert tours and recordings at other times. I deliver tutorial teaching to the college’s undergraduate music students, and lecture and examine as an Associate Professor in the Faculty.

I have few accomplishments aside from my musical activities: I am an enthusiastic and sometimes successful cook; an occasional runner, permanently intending to run further, faster, and more often; but I can confidently assert that I am very good indeed at ironing.

New College has given me the opportunity to pursue an individual path as both a performing and an academic musician, in a stimulating and inspiring environment. 


Research Interests

J. S. Bach, particularly the music for keyboard, and modes of reception of the sacred vocal music.


Selected Major Publications:

Select discography:

  • Parry, Songs of Farewell (Novum NCR 1394), 2018. 
  • John Blow, Symphony Anthems (Novum NCR 1389), 2016.
  • J. S. Bach, Organ works vols 1–4 (Coro), 2011–.
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