
I am a Leverhulme-Peierls Junior Research Fellow in theoretical physics at New College. Before coming to Oxford, I completed my PhD at Harvard University. My research interests lie at the interface of particle physics, string theory and cosmology. At this junction, I work on various aspects of dark energy, dark matter and early universe cosmology. Within these subfields, there are challenging conceptual questions that underlie our most basic understanding of fundamental physics. At the same time, near-future experiments have the potential to provide answers to some of these questions making them an exciting direction for research.


Selected Publications:

  • Gonzalo, E., Montero, M., Obied, G., & Vafa, C. (2023). Dark dimension gravitons as dark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(11), 1-18.
  • Agrawal, P., Gukov, S., Obied, G., & Vafa, C. (2020). Topological gravity as the early phase of our universe. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.10077.
  • Obied, G., Ooguri, H., Spodyneiko, L., & Vafa, C. (2018). de Sitter Space and the Swampland. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08362.
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