New College Classical Drama Society, 29 May - 1 June 2024

The New College Classical Drama Society invite you to join them for a performance of Euripides, Trojan Women taking place in the New College Cloisters from 29 May to 1 June 2024. Nightly at 8.00pm.

Brief Synopsis:
Troy has been sacked and its strongest heroes wiped out by the Greeks. But what of those left behind? What will be their fate? What further horrors await them? Hecuba, once the queen of the mightiest kingdom in all of Asia, must watch as her world crumbles around her and her loved ones are dragged off by the remorseless Greeks. By her side, the Trojan women, wracked with grief and filled with anger, can do nothing to prevent the loss of all that they once held dear. In this remarkable play, Euripides lays bare the rawness of human emotion, exploring themes which are just as relevant now as they once were almost 2500 years ago.

You can book your places via the TicketSource event payment system.

Euripides, Trojan Women, poster
May 2024
20:00 - 22:00
New College Cloisters
Dress code
Smart casual