Essay Society - 'Power' with Prof Elizabeth Frazer

On Wednesday 7th June, the New College Essay Society held their latest event - on the theme of 'Power'. 

The guest speaker was our own Professor Elizabeth Frazer, whose special interest areas range all the way from the relationship between violence and politics (including with relation to feminist thought) to Shakespeare as a political thinker. 


Professor Frazer spoke on the relationship between violence and power and was followed by two JCR speakers. Ella Craddock spoke on power and posterity, exploring how creativity and family shape legacy, and Cecile Lansford then explored how patriarchal power structures shape the way that men and women relate to one another romantically and sexually, questioning whether it is possible for a man to love a woman the way that a woman loves a man. 


The event began with a free wine reception from 8:30-8:45pm, and the speeches were followed by a Q&A.

A group of people sitting in chairs in an old, wood-panelled room


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