Simply Musick

What was the role of the theatre musicians? How did they take part in the performance? How were they perceived by the audience? From the court masques, the stage productions of the Restoration through to the 18th century, and even those big celebratory events like coronations and balls, the individual musicians are seldom mentioned; they are simply 'the Musick'. This presentation will aim to discuss the roles of the theatre musicians, some of the common musical and theatre conventions between the Restoration and the 18th century using a variety of stage pieces to highlight, whether they played on stage with the dancers or stayed in the pit, how the musicians were perceived and to expand and understand that generic title of 'the Musick'. 

About the author

Natalie D Kershaw is a PhD student at the University of Birmingham exploring and researching the role of the 17th- and 18th-century musician. This research covers musicians in all their roles; theatres, court, music and dancing masters and itinerant. She has an interest in HIP in both music and dance and is interested in the education of modern musicians in these historical conventions. She is a music teacher and musician. 

Natalie D Kershaw
Author affiliation
University of Birmingham