New College Library, Oxford, MS 367, f. 1r [detail]

‘The living Arts appear’d’: Shakespearean Ekphrasis in New College, MS 367

Anna-Nadine Pike
Issue number
(2021): 15

Our MS 367 contains an apparently unique poem dating to the late 18th century, entitled ‘The Visions of William Collins’. The poem is attributed on its title-page to Thomas Powell (1735–1820), and a marginal note states ‘This Poem was never printed—& shewn only to a few Friends’. If this is true, then our Library may contain the only record of this poem—a poem which engages with a particular moment of literary and artistic history in England, and which speaks to the reception of Shakespearean drama among an 18th-century readership.   


New College Library, Oxford, MS 367, f. 1r


New College Library and Archives, Oxford