Erasmus’s inscription to the title-page of New College Library, Oxford, BT1.74.9

Jerome’s Journey: William Warham and the Dedication Copy of Erasmus’s Edition of Jerome (1516)

Tim Wade
Issue number
(2019): 12

New College Library holds a nine-volume copy of the works of St Jerome, printed in Basel in 1516 by Johann Froben.  Edited (in part) by the Dutch scholar Erasmus (d. 1536), it was dedicated to the then Archbishop of Canterbury, William Warham (d. 1532), who had been made a fellow of New College in 1475.

Erasmus arranged for Warham to receive his own personal copy of the work in the year of its printing, and it is these dedication volumes that now reside at New College.


New College Library, Oxford, BT1.74.9–13


New College Library and Archives, Oxford