What is it?
The New College Society is the body which represents all former and present students of the college, whether graduates or undergraduates. Its primary remit is to ensure that Old Members are able to remain in touch both with the college and with past college friends and acquaintances. It also seeks to provide connections between the current student body and past members, to the benefit (social, professional, academic - or any other) of both.
How does it work?
The Society is run independently from the college, though it subscribes to all the values and ethics of the college, especially in terms of diversity and inclusion. As such the Society is run by a committee of various Old Members as well as ex-officio representatives (such as the Warden and the MCR and JCR Presidents), currently chaired by Charles Williams (1981), the President.
What does it do?
The Society organises a range of events each year that are designed to appeal across the age groups. These include a biennial London dinner, and an annual summer garden party in college. In addition more bespoke trips are organised elsewhere, usually by an Old Member living or working in the area in question. Recent examples included a weekend in York, a private view of an exhibition at the British Museum, and an opera and dinner held at the British Embassy in Paris. All these events are run at break-even, with charges just high enough to cover their costs. You can keep up to date with forthcoming events by visiting the Old Members events pages here.
The Society is very keen to connect with as many Old Members as possible, and provide attractive and relevant events for them - and encourage existing students to make use of the extraordinary connections that New College membership can bring with it across the years. If you would like to support the careers initiative, please do inform the Development Office. In addition, if any of you have any ideas for new ways to improve our links then please do feel free to contact the Society either through the Development Office or directly to the Honorary Secretary, Charles Irving-Swift on
The New College Society Committee
Charles Williams (1981)
Charles Irving-Swift (1973)
Caroline Kay (1979)
Mark Byford (1980)
Patrick Moody (1985)
Helen Sherborne (1987)
Charlotte Mikkelborg (1995)
Tarun Gupta (1998)
John Rowland (1998)
Alex Hearn (2001)
Adrien Mallevays (2011)
Janpreet Khabra (2015)
Max Mutkin (2019)
Chi Okafor (2020)
Current New College members/employees:
Miles Young Ex officio (Warden)
Stephen Anderson Ex officio (Editor of New College Record)
David Palfreyman Ex officio (Bursar)
William Poole Ex officio (Treasurer)
Mark Curtis Ex officio (Development Office)
Jonathan Rubery Ex officio (Development Office)
George Balkwill Ex officio (Development Office)
Miriam Yakobashvili MCR President
Maria-Lucia Sticlea JCR President