Steve Davies was a Chemistry undergraduate 1969-1973 and graduate 1973-1975 at New College. He was a Fellow and Tutor for Organic Chemistry 1980-2006 before being elected Waynflete Professor of Chemistry and Fellow of Magdalen College. He is currently an Extraordinary Lecturer at New College, Tutor for Organic Chemistry and the Wine Steward.
Steve has a keen interest in teaching and was the founding editor of the Oxford Chemistry Primers Series and Sci-Ink’s On Chemistry series of undergraduate textbooks.
Steve was the Chairman (2006-2011) of the Oxford Chemistry Department which offers world-class teaching and is consistently rated among the best in the UK. Students study a four-year course, a unique feature of which is spending their final year working full-time on a project with some of the leading researchers in the UK. The Oxford course has been judged as excellent by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).
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