Pride Month: Interview with the JCR LGBTQ+ rep

Arden Eveleigh-Evans with Tessa, the college tortoise

For Pride Month, we spoke to the JCR's LGBTQ+ rep, Arden Eveleigh-Evans, who's just about to finish their second year in Fine Art at New College. They tell us more about how they support LGBTQ+ students at New College and what's in store for students this Pride Month.


What does the role of New College’s LGBTQ+ rep involve?

The New College LGBTQ+ Rep role involves actively creating a safe social environment within college where members of the community and allies can enjoy and get together often - meeting new people and having fun are the main aims. I organise events which both utilise the colleges facilities and, also, bring people together - we find that doing this helps students to connect with people that they might have not met otherwise. In addition to this, I manage the admin and planning for LGBTQ+ events. This isn’t laborious and doesn’t feel like a chore because it allows me to provide others with the experience I received when I was a first year! 


What’s the best part of the job?

The best part of the job is being connected with people both in and outside of college - having a designated schedule for these events means there’s always something to look forward to! I’ve also really enjoyed engaging and being a part of the Welfare and Equality committee within New College.


What has New College got planned for Pride Month?

New College holds an annual drinks reception in the Warden's Garden for Pride Month which is a special opportunity for both the JCR and MCR to get together. This year, it will be on Monday June 10th at 5:30pm with refreshments, good weather and good company!