Oxford Union bicentenary debate - 5 presidents from New College in attendance!

The Oxford Union - perhaps the world's most famous debating society - celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. 

In celebration of this anniversary, the Union hosted a special debate - 'This House Believes It Was Better 'Back In My Day'' - and welcomed back many influential former members from down the years. 

Among them were an amazing five(!) presidents of the Union from New College! 

They are pictured below - from left to right: 

  • Gyles Brandreth
  • Stephen Horvath
  • Charlie Mackintosh
  • Robert Harris
  • Michael Crick

5 men posed in black tie, with shelves of books in the background

145 years of New College Presidents in two meetings

On 1st March, current Union president (and New College student) Charlie Mackintosh visited Dr Uwe Kitzinger CBE - the oldest living President at the age of 94. Dr Kitzinger was President of the Union in Hilary Term 1950 - 73 years before Charlie - and himself attended New College. 

Most astonishingly, when he was President, he hosted the then oldest living President - Nathaniel Micklem QC - who had been President 72 years before him, in Michaelmas Term 1878. Micklem attended (you guessed it!) New College! 

145 years of New College Presidents of the Union in just two meetings!

An old and a young man sat next to each other smiling at the camera

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