OM Tamiko Dooley publishes debut poetry book

Congratulations to Old Member Tamiko Dooley (Classics and Modern Languages, 2003), who has published her debut poetry collection - SHIMA (Islands)

'A powerful, heady debut. In Dooley’s evocative collection of poems, time bends and circles back on itself; senses overlap one another; scale is played with, translated. An ice-cream, a finger-tip, a raindrop, may all be bigger than the seaside horizon. Her poems have kinetic energy, and her characters are moving or are ready to move –in an elevator or an earthquake or a train station. Dooley gets it; these are deeply musical poems for now and always.'

– Benjamin Scheuer, award-winning songwriter and playwright

'Tamiko Dooley’s poems take us round the islands of Japan in glimpses that often read like dreams. Fragile islets of memory and sensual response, they weave a web of emotional connection to an elusive world of material objects, unnamed people, and scattered fragments of the Japanese language. This absorbing island tour brings more rewards with every reading.'

– Professor Ann Jefferson, Emeritus Professor of French and Emeritus Fellow at New College, Oxford.

Order your copy of SHIMA (Islands)

Black and white photo of a Japanese family, with book title and author's name

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