NOEL - New College Christmas card available for purchase

Our 2024 New College Christmas card is illustrated with NOEL letters reproduced from Shakespeare’s Fourth Folio (1685), a French book of hours (c. 1500), Cicero’s Orationes (c. 1440), and Peter Apian’s Astronomicum Cæsareum (1540) from New College Library.

(New College Library, Oxford, BT1.5.10, p. 130; MS 369, f. 13r; MS 249, f. cccxliii v; and BT1.70.2, f. [37]v)

Purchase a pack of ten cards for £6.95 (or £8.95 for postage outside the UK) from Oxford University Stores:…

(If you are unable to order via Oxford University Stores, you may also purchase your cards by phoning the New College Development Office on (0)1865 279509.)

‘In that countryside there were shepherds living in the fields keeping the night watch over their flock. An angel of the Lord stood over them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said, “Do not be afraid. Look, I bring you good news of great joy for the whole people”’. Luke 2:8–10. 

NOEL—New College Library, Oxford