New College welcomed Anna Bateson, CEO of Guardian Media Group, for its annual Women's Lecture

New College was delighted to welcome Anna Bateson, CEO of The Guardian Media Group, to speak at New College's annual Women's Lecture on Wednesday evening.

Anna began her talk entitled 'Truth, Trustworthiness, and Authenticity in 2025' by encouraging listeners to reflect on why they trust her narrative and authority: 'Without my job title, my network and my presence here, would you still trust me?' Truth has become unstable and uncomfortable, she suggested, and our changing consumption habits impact the value we put on information sources. Reflecting on her career and the 'tech utopia', she advocated for curiosity and the exploration of different perspectives: 'Embrace nuance, and contradiction because the world is a complicated place.'

Anna's speech offered hope and encouragement despite the shifting nature of truth and digital realities. Speaking into to the themes surrounding International Women's Day and the empowerment of women in business, she urged: 

“Be comfortable in your ambition, its something as women to be proud of”.

Read a transcript of Anna Bateson's Lecture here 

Anna Bateson

Image (from left to right): the Warden of New College, Miles Young; MCR and JCR Women's Reps, Keely and Lola; Anna Bateson; JCR and MCR Presidents, Maria and Miriam.