Halfway Hall

Written by Halfway Hall Committee member Craig Nyamarebvu

Last Wednesday, Halfway Hall took place at New College. For those who don’t know, Halfway Hall is a special evening marked to celebrate the half-completion of degrees for students in second year.

The evening commenced with a lovely drinks reception in the Founder's Library, before moving to Hall. Before dinner we enjoyed a moving speech from the Salvesen Fellow, followed by a performance from the New Men and the Warden’s Grace. The food was excellent, and it was so nice to be able to enjoy a meal with our tutors and friends.

Following dinner we moved to the JCR Bar for the Awards Ceremony, where we laughed and reminisced on the wonderful time spent together so far. For me, Halfway Hall was more than just a dinner, but really was an opportunity to be grateful for the incredible friendships and personal growth we have all enjoyed during our time here.

Thank you to all of the people who worked tirelessly to make the evening as exceptional as it was, we all really appreciate it.

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