I have been a tutorial Fellow in physics at New College since 2012 and am also a Professor of Theoretical Physics in the physics department. My research interests involve string theory, particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics. Visit my profile on the Department of Physics website.

Prior to coming to Oxford I did an early Mathematics degree at Reading (1999), a normal-age Natural Sciences degree at Cambridge (2003) followed by a PhD (2006). I was a Junior Research Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge before moving to Oxford in 2008 on a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, which subsequently turned into a permanent position. I was the Physics department undergraduate admissions coordinator from 2020 to 2023 and was University Assessor from 2023 to 2024.  

The New College physicists are committed to teaching and I love teaching the full variety of the many wonderful physics students we have at New College. Every student we have is special, and it is a privilege to help them understand physics and some of the best, deepest and most beautiful ideas in the world.

I am the author of Why String Theory? (CRC, 2015, Physics World Book of the Year 2016) and Origins (Oneworld, 2024), a verse account of the early universe.

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