History Society Dinner, Saturday 17 February 2024
The New College History Society will hold its annual reception, talk, and dinner which will take place on Saturday 17 February 2024. This is a student-led initiative which aims to strengthen the community of historians past and present.
The event will start at 5.45pm with drinks in the McGregor Matthews Room, and then a talk by guest speaker, Professor Michael Broers. This will be followed by dinner in the Founder’s Library at around 7.30pm.
About the speaker:
Michael Broers is Emeritus Professor of Western European History at the University of Oxford. His The Napoleonic Empire in Italy, 1796-1814. Cultural Imperialism in a European Context? (Palgrave, 2005) won the Prix Napoléon of the Fondation Napoléon; he was a Visiting Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2003. In 2011-13, he held a Major Leverhulme Research Fellowship for the project ‘Napoleonic Civilisation’. He recently completed a three-volume life of Napoleon for Pegasus Books NYC/Faber & Faber, London, the final volume of which was voted a Kirkus best biography of 2022. In 2021 he was elected a socio-corrispondente of the Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria.
The History Society aims to put on several events over the year.
- Hilary Term: Society Annual Dinner
The Society’s annual dinner will be open to New College History undergraduates, fellows, and Old Members, bringing together all generations of New College historians.
- Michaelmas Term and Trinity Term: Speaker Series
The Society will host a world-leading academic to discuss their most recent work. These lectures will be open to all current New College historians.
We also hope that you might consider supporting the Society with a regular contribution. The financial needs are not great, but such support will:
- cover travel costs and drinks associated with the Speaker Series
- subsidise the costs of dinner for students who might otherwise not be able to attend
- provide funds for future events to connect Old Members and undergraduates
We greatly appreciate any support you can offer and, if you wish to make a gift, please complete the Donation Form.
We are extremely grateful to those Old Members who currently contribute; thank you for your continued support.
With best wishes,
Gilbert Ressel and Thomas Ricketts
Co-Presidents of the New College History Society