The Diversity Dinner: celebrating faiths and ethnic minorities, Saturday 3 February 2024
Booking closed on Wednesday 24 January 2024.
The New College Diversity Dinner: Celebrating Faiths and Ethnic Minorities, will take place on Saturday 3 February 2024 at New College.
The evening will begin in the McGregor Matthews Room at 5.45pm with the launch of a New College publication entitled: Testimony: Voices of Diversity. This is a collection of articles, essays, and profiles by and of New College members over the generations who epitomise the spirit of diversity. Edited by a panel of JCR volunteers, it has been published with the generous support of the American Friends of New College and speaks to the words and achievements of our FME community - it is their testimony.
The guest speaker will be Lewis Iwu (2005, PPE), a New College Old Member and former JCR President, whose article is one of those featured in Testimony.
Following the launch and talk there will be a drinks reception at 6.30pm, then dinner at 7.15pm, both in the Founder’s Library.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the New College Development Office at:
Sent on behalf of
Saira Powar, JCR Faith and Ethnic Minorities Officer and Han Zhao MCR Equality and Diversity Officer
About the speaker:
Lewis Iwu co-founded, Purpose Union, through which he helps leaders, and their organisations deliver and communicate social and environmental impact. He also advises CEOs, spokespeople, politicians, and high-profile individuals on their public performances (speeches, debates, media interviews, town halls). He regularly moderates and speak on panels on a range of issues, including education, skills, equality, and diversity.