

Tuesday 16th


10.30 Registration & Coffee – Conduit Room 

Panel I Schools, Professional Training, Teaching - McGregor-Matthews Library 

11.00 Olive Baldwin & Thelma Wilson, Essex  

Honest Jo. Priest’s School in Chelsea 

11.30 Jennifer Thorp, New College, University of Oxford 

Worshipful Companions: Dancing-Masters and the City of London Musicians Company 

12.00 Jane Pritchard, Victoria and Albert Museum 

The National Training School for Dancing 1876 – 1908 

12.30 Nadine Meisner, Independent Scholar 

About the Condition of Dance Today by Arthur Saint-Léon 


1.00 Lunch – The Hall 


Panel II Institutions and Professions - McGregor-Matthews Library 

2.00 Anne Daye, Independent Scholar 

The Dance Profession of Early Stuart England: A Story of Success and Failure

2.30 Cornelis Vanistendael, Leuven, Belgium 

Courting a Dancing Court in Waiting. Winning Hearts and Minds of the Restauration of Absolutist Power in Brussels (1813 – 1818) 

3.00 Laura Monrós-Gaspar, Universitat de València 

The Grecian Saloon (1851-1867): Assembling Classical Myths and Popular Audiences with Clarissa Ann (Bennett) Conquest 


3.30 Tea – South Undercroft 


Panel III Keynote Address - McGregor-Matthews Library 

4.00 Hanna Walsdorf, University of Basel 

The Church, the Dance, and the Witches’ Sabbath Panel IV: The Gentleman Dancing Master – Lecture Room 6 

5.00 Jennifer Thorp, University of Oxford with dancers Anne Deller and Kath Waters, Apollo's Revels 

Four dances by Mr Isaac 


5.30 Drinks Reception & Book Launch – New College Cloisters 

Jennifer Thorp, The Gentleman Dancing-Master; Mr Isaac and the English Royal Court from Charles II to Queen Anne, published by Clemson University Press. The book will be launched by the Warden of New College, Miles Young. 


7.30 Dinner – Founder’s Library 


Wednesday 17th


Panel V: Stages and Theatres - McGregor-Matthews Library 

9.00 Alena Shmakova, The City of Edinburgh Council, Adult Education Programme 

Dancing on the Stage in Edinburgh in the Eighteenth Century

9.30 Sarah McCleave, Queen’s University Belfast 

The Pretensions of Fanny Bias: Managing a Career at the Paris Opera, 1807-1825 

10.00 Lynn Matluck Brooks, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster 

A Tale of Two Theatres in 1850s Philadelphia 

10.30 Melissa Melpignano, University of Texas at El Paso 

Italian Public Theatres and State Formation: A Contested History through Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Dance Librettos 


11.00 Coffee – South Undercroft 


Panel VI: Costumes and Images - McGregor-Matthews Library 

11.30 Thierry Jaquemet, Independent Scholar 

Deceptive Romantic Ballet Prints: Three Images Wrongly Associated with Flora Fabbri 

12.00 Uta Dorothea Sauer, Preparatory Colleges of TU Dresden and Unipark Institute 

Costumed Role Reversal in Courtly Ceremonies 

12.30 Keith Cavers, Independent Scholar 

Hunt the Slipper 


1.00 Lunch – The Hall 


Panel VII Georgian Institutions at Home and Abroad - McGregor-Matthews Library 

2.00 Hillary Burlock, University of Newcastle 

Electing Bath’s Arbiter Elegantiarum 

2.30 Michael Burden, New College, University of Oxford 

Dance in the London Opera Season of 1813 


3.00 Tea – South Undercroft 


Panel VIII Institutions intertwined - McGregor-Matthews Library 

3.30 Ambre Emory-Maier, Kent State University 

Costume Cross-Pollination on the Ballet Stage and in the Ballroom: Dancing in between the Lines 

4.00 Cara Gargano, Long Island University 

Jane Avril: Dancing at Contrasting Institutions of Madness and Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century Paris 

4.30 Juliane Pöche, University of Hamburg 

The Opera Garnier as a French “Festspielhaus“? Wagner Reception in Sylvia (1876) 


~ Symposium Ends ~